OpenStudio wird mehrsprachig: jetzt in mehreren Sprachen verfügbar
OpenStudio wird mehrsprachig: jetzt in mehreren Sprachen verfügbar

OpenStudio wird mehrsprachig: jetzt in mehreren Sprachen verfügbar

By Nick
January 2024 - 28/01/2024 13:04

Verfügbar in den folgenden Sprachen:

Discover all the services of OpenStudio, right in your own language!

Dear community,

We are glad to finally announce that all our services are finally available in multiple languages!

We made a massive effort in order to provide our features in your own languages, and finally we are ready!

You can find on our languages page, and as well in the navbar, all the languages in which we are currently available - but we are planning to have more!

We hope you are happy about this exciting news, the same way as we do!

And if you are willing to help us in translating in your own language, or if you simply want to suggest a new language - do not wait, tell us!

Have a nice day,
The multilingual OpenStudio team!

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