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By Nick
May 2023

The application InfoComm (Messaging to users) allows to:

  • Send mass communications to different users in one click
  • Forward messages through different channels - such as a widget alert, a toolbar notification or an email message
  • Contact categories of users that are automatically generated (for example according to the reference structure, to the type of career, to custom groups, etc..)

Access the application

From the sidebar menu, under Cloud Services, select InfoComm (Messaging to Users).

You will be provided with a panel that shows the communications you have already sent, or all the communications ever sent according to your permissions in the application. Clicking on the button New Request will allow you to forward a new communication

Select the Channel to be used

You can select one or more channels through which to deliver the message; these are Toolbar Notification, Widget Alert and Email Notification.

Toolbar Notification

From the Navbar on top, deliver customized notifications to your selected recipients.

OpenStudio - Toolbar Notifications
OpenStudio - Toolbar Notifications

Widget Alert

From the widget on the Dashboard Home, deliver customized messages to the categories of users you prefer.

OpenStudio - Toolbar Notifications
OpenStudio - Toolbar Notifications

Email Notification

Deliver customized emails to your recipients

OpenStudio - Toolbar Notifications
OpenStudio - Toolbar Notifications

How to enable channels for an operator?

While the Toolbar Notifications are enabled by default if you are granted access to the application, for Widgets and Emails you need to be auhtorized.

From the service Management of Authorizations and Groups, reach the application InfoComm (Messaging to users) and select the permissions you want to grant. infocomm_channel_email will allow the use of the channel "Email", while infocomm_channel_widget will allow the use of "Widget Alerts".

InfoComm (Messaging to users) - Permissions
InfoComm (Messaging to users) - Permissions

InfoComm (ユーザーへのメッセージ)

5 人中 5 人が役に立ったと回答しています

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