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IT-protocol - Documentenregistratie

By Nick
March 2020
OpenStudio - IT Protocol - Registration section
OpenStudio - IT Protocol - Registration section

This section contains the functions for the new registration of documents in the IT Protocol. The available buttons depends on the permissions that the operator owns, based on his/her profile.

Documents are registered according to their typology:

1. Registration - Arrival Protocol

Once opened, the page will be divided into four different sections:

  • New registration
  • Responsibility
  • Extra
  • Documents and Attachments

1.1 New registration
IT Protocol - Registration for Arrival Protocol - New registration
IT Protocol - Registration for Arrival Protocol - New registration

In the first section, you can assign values to the following fields:

SenderSpecifies the user that sent the documentation. To select a sender you can search in the registry or create a new external structure/person.
SubjectIt is the title of the registered documentation
Transmitted byRepresents the way the documentation was delivered (i.e. email, hand-delivery, etc..)
ClassificationEach registration is classified with a unique index; you can select the most appropriate element from the list, or type it on your own
Doc. DataIt gives further information about the documentation; i.e. if the received documentation has been registered to the sender protocol, you can specify its protocol registration number.
VisibilityAccording to the permissions of each operator, some documents may not be available to everyone. You can specify the minimum level of permission to read the document; note that the RPA and CC operators will be granted by default
Personal dataThis field allows you to specify if the documentation contains sensitive or personal data

It is also possible to create a draft of the registration and save it as such. You will have the possibility to register it in a second moment from your draft menu.If you select draft mode, you will not be able to upload documents at the moment.

1.2 Responsibility
IT Protocol - Registration for Arrival Protocol - Responsibility
IT Protocol - Registration for Arrival Protocol - Responsibility

In the responsibility section, you can assign values to the following fields:

RPAIt's the responsible for the procedure of the documentation workflow
CCYou can specify as many Copy Knowledge operators, even belonging to different structures
Send an email notificationIf selected, an email notification of the registration will be sent to the operators specified as RPA and CC

1.3 Extra
IT Protocol - Registration for Arrival Protocol - Extra
IT Protocol - Registration for Arrival Protocol - Extra

In the Extra section, you can assign values to the following fields:

NotesBoth these fields can help you to specify any additional information and will help in the research

1.4 Documents and Attachments
IT Protocol - Registration for Arrival Protocol - Documents and Attachments
IT Protocol - Registration for Arrival Protocol - Documents and Attachments

In the final section you will be able to specify the attachments you want to upload and register with the protocol registration. Please note that it will not be possible to update or remove them.

2. Registration - Deferred Arrival Protocol

The deferred protocol allows you to perform a registration if the original date is previous to the current one. It is useful in case there is a technical problem or if the amount of documents to be registered is so much that the registration date is postponed.

The only difference, is that two extra fields are available:

IT Protocol - Registration for Arrival Protocol - Deferred date
IT Protocol - Registration for Arrival Protocol - Deferred date

In the Deferred protocol section, you can assign values to the following fields:

Arrival dateThe original date on which the document should have been registered
ReasonThe reason for the registration delay

3. Registration - Departure Protocol

The departure protocol is useful when the communications are sent from the organization to an external person/structure, for example when you need to register and send some documents.

The structure of the registration process is the same as for the Arrival Protocol registration.

IT Protocol - Registration for Departure protocol
IT Protocol - Registration for Departure protocol

4. Registration - Internal Protocol (offices)

The internal protocol is useful when the registration of the documentation is only internal to the organization, for example when two documents have to be registered and sent within the same orgazation, but different structures.

Once opened, the page will be divided into four different sections:

  • New registration
  • Responsibility
  • Extra
  • Documents and Attachments

4.1 New registration
IT Protocol - Registration for Internal Protocol - New registration
IT Protocol - Registration for Internal Protocol - New registration

In the New registration section, you can assign values to the following fields:

SenderThe field is selected by default and it represents the registration user
Transmitted byRepresents the way the documentation was delivered (i.e. email, hand-delivery, etc..)
ClassificationEach registration is classified with a unique index; you can select the most appropriate element from the list, or type it on your own
VisibilityAccording to the permissions of each operator, some documents may not be available to everyone. You can specify the minimum level of permission to read the document; note that the RPA and CC operators will be granted by default
Personal dataThis field allows you to specify if the documentation contains sensitive or personal data

4.2 Responsibility
IT Protocol - Registration for Internal Protocol - Responsibility
IT Protocol - Registration for Internal Protocol - Responsibility

In the responsibility section, you will find two different sub-sections:

  • Sendedr (Draft) which is referred to the structure that sends and creates the documentation
  • Recipient (Original) which is referred to the structure that receives the documentation

You can assign values to the following fields:

RPA - Sender (draft)It's the responsible for the procedure of the documentation workflow of the structure that sends the documentation
RPA - Recipient (Original)It's the responsible for the procedure of the documentation workflow of the structure that receives the documentation
SubjectIt's title of the registration
CCYou can specify as many Copy Knowledge operators, even belonging to different structures
Send an email notificationIf selected, an email notification of the registration will be sent to the operators specified as RPA and CC

1.3 Extra
IT Protocol - Registration for Internal Protocol - Extra
IT Protocol - Registration for Internal Protocol - Extra

In the Extra section, you can assign values to the following fields:

NotesBoth these fields can help you to specify any additional information and will help in the research

1.4 Documents and Attachments
IT Protocol - Registration for Internal Protocol - Documents and Attachments
IT Protocol - Registration for Internal Protocol - Documents and Attachments

In the final section you will be able to specify the attachments you want to upload and register with the protocol registration. Please note that it will not be possible to update or remove them.

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