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Como marcar um aplicativo como favorito?

You can select your favorite applications and show them in the dedicated box on your dashboard!
Escrito por Nick Last updated January 2020
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Como criar uma mensagem de alerta de widget no Dashboard?

You can display some custom messages on the dashboard for all your users, see how!
Escrito por Nick Last updated May 2023
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Como alterar minha senha?

You can change your password directly from your dashboard, keep it safe!
Escrito por Nick Last updated January 2020
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Como cadastrar/convidar um novo usuário no meu painel?

You can invite an unlimited number of users, see how it's easy!
Escrito por Nick Last updated January 2020
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Como criar uma nova estrutura na minha organização?

A structure is a unit inside of your organization that belongs to a specific area. How to create one?
Escrito por Nick Last updated January 2020
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Como ativar/configurar protocolo de TI/gestão de documentos

How to activate the Protocol application and specify its initial settings
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2020
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[Resumo] Manual de gerenciamento de protocolo de TI, fluxo de documentos e arquivos

A summary of the basic knowledge about the IT Protocol workflow
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2020
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Protocolo Informático - Registo de Documentos

Explanation on the registration for documents in the IT Protocol (arrival, departure, internal and deferred protocol)
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2020
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Como conceder acesso ao protocolo informático a um novo operador

Short guide to understand how to grant access to the IT Protocol and how to select the structures on which the operator can work
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2020
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Protocolo de TI - Não consigo selecionar uma estrutura da lista OU não consigo operar na minha estrutura, por quê?

I can't select a structure from the list, why? I can't operate on my structure, why?
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2020
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Aplicações de recursos humanos: Fluxo de trabalho

How do the Human Resources applications work? What is the workflow from the request to the final approval?
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2020
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Aplicativos de recursos humanos: Configuração

The application "HR - Configuration" allows you to set-up all the information about the human resources applications
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2020
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Aplicações de recursos humanos: Solicitações

The application "HR - Requests" allows structured and enabled users to submit requests to the Human resources office (Staff affairs unit)
Escrito por Nick Last updated July 2020
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Gerenciar funções e posições

The application "Manage Roles and Positions" allows the management of the job framework of your users, and to register roles/delegations
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2023
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Reserva de espaços e recursos

The application "Spaces and resources Reservation" allows the process of reservation/booking of spaces and the management of the procedure.
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2023
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Como definir Espaços na minha organização?

The application "Manage Spaces" allows the process of management and organization of the spaces and facilities within your organization
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2023
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Como atribuir um espaço a um colega/operador?

The application "Assign Spaces" allows to assign a work space to colleagues and operators within your organization.
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2023
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Não consigo atribuir um espaço a um operador

Why is a space not available in the selection tab?
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2023
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Gerenciar registros de equipe e eventos de carreira

The management of staff records and career events, all in one place
Escrito por Nick Last updated March 2023
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Gerenciar e criar um órgão governamental

How to create a new Government Body for the management of Sessions Records and Deliberations
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Como definir as seções de uma Sessão

How to manage and creates new categories for the sections of Deliberation Proposals.
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Como criar uma nova sessão (órgão governamental da organização)

The guide explains the management and creation of a new session of a government body, referred to an organization government body.
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Como submeter uma Proposta de Deliberação para uma Sessão ativa?

The guide explains the management and submission of a new Deliberation Proposal to an active Session to which your structure has been invited.
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Como aprovar/rejeitar uma Proposta de Deliberação?

The guide introduces how to manage the validation of Deliberation Proposals by the session manager.
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Como Consolidar e encerrar a etapa de Propostas Deliberativas

The guide explains how to consolidate the deliberation proposals that have been accepted in order to generate the Agenda of the Session.
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Como gerar a Agenda da Sessão e Convidar os membros do Órgão

The guide explains how to generate the Agenda of the Session and forward an invitation to the Members of the Government Body.
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Como definir o Secretário de Ata de uma Sessão

The Minute Secretary is a member that will be responsible to report the results of the discussion. The guide explains how to manage the election of the Minute Secretary.
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Sou membro de um Órgão Governamental, onde posso consultar os documentos da Deliberação?

Each member of a Government Body will have access to the whole documentation provided as soon as it is approved and the invitation is sent.
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Fui eleito Secretário de Ata, o que devo fazer?

The elected Minute Secretary will be in charge of reporting the outcome of the discussion of the Government Body
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Como gerar os documentos finais do procedimento de uma sessão? (Organização Órgão Governamental)

The guide explains how to conclude the workflow of the Session Management, by generating the final report and proceeding documents.
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Gerenciamento de uma sessão de órgão governamental (visão geral do fluxo de trabalho)

The guide explains the general workflow of the Session Management, from the Management of the body members to the final proceeding documents.
Escrito por Nick Last updated April 2023
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Como enviar uma notificação manual da barra de ferramentas para um usuário

The guide explains how to use the Notification Center to manually send a Toolbar Notification to an individual user.
Escrito por Nick Last updated May 2023
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Como posso fornecer comunicação em massa aos usuários ou categorias de operadores?

The guide explains how to use the InfoComm service, which allows to deliver communications through different channels - such as in the widget, in the toolbar or via email. The service also allows to send messages to categories of users.
Escrito por Nick Last updated May 2023
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Como estar habilitado para um Canal de Comunicação?

The guide explains how to use and be enabled for specific channels in the InfoComm service, which allows to deliver communications through different channels - such as in the widget, in the toolbar or via email.
Escrito por Nick Last updated May 2023
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O que é um pacote de permissão?

The guide explains what is a Permission Package and how it can support the authorization process of permissions for our applications!
Escrito por Nick Last updated July 2023
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Como solicitar Certificado de Assinatura Digital? (Livre)

The guide explains how to request a Digital Signature Certificate for free to Digitally sign documents with OpenStudio Digital Signature service.
Escrito por Nick Last updated September 2023
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Como instalar a Autoridade de Certificação OpenStudio?

The guide explains how to install OpenStudio Certificate Authority to validate digitally signed documents even offline and on Desktop Apps.
Escrito por Nick Last updated September 2023
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Como verificar a assinatura digital de um documento assinado?

The guide explains how to verify if the Digital Signature of a signed document is valid, through different available services.
Escrito por Nick Last updated September 2023
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Quem está autorizado a solicitar uma Assinatura Digital?

The guide explains who is allowed to request a Digital Signature certificate, and how to grant the permission.
Escrito por Nick Last updated September 2023
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Como assinar digitalmente um documento com Openstudio

The guide explains how you can use Openstudio Digital Signature service to Sign a document.
Escrito por Nick Last updated September 2023
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Assinatura Digital – Problemas Conhecidos e Melhorias

This resource lists the currently known issues and future implementations in the application "Digital Signing of Documents".
Escrito por Nick Last updated September 2023
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Gerenciar grupos de autorização – passo a passo

This resource explains all the functionalities of the modern "Manage Authorization Groups" application
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Quem pode acessar Gerenciar grupos de autorização?

This resource explains who are the authorized members to access the application for Groups Management.
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Quais são os ambientes, tipos de grupo e população em Gerenciar grupos de autorização?

This resource explains the different characteristics a group can have in the groups management workflow.
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Quem é um delegado de um grupo?

This resource explains the role of the Delegate of a Group in the application "Manage Authorization Groups"
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Como criar um novo Grupo de Autorização?

This resource explains how an authorized member can create a new group in the application "Manage Authorization Groups".
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Como modificar um grupo de autorização?

This resource explains how you can change the information of a group in the "Manage Authorization Groups" application
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Como adicionar ou remover um delegado de um grupo de autorização?

This resource explains the operations you can perform on Delegates for a group in the "Manage Authorization Groups" application, such as adding a new delegate or removing an existing one.
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Como definir uma regra de associação para um grupo de autorização calculada

This resource explains how you can manage Membership Rules for a Calculated Group type in the "Manage Authorization Groups" application
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Um membro calculado ainda não foi adquirido, o que isso significa?

This resource explains the workflow on calculated memberships and their acquisition.
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Gerenciar eventos de desativação para grupos de autorização

This resource explains all the functionalities of the modern "Manage Authorization Groups" application
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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O que é um grupo calculado?

This resource explains the functionality of a Calculated Group in the "Manage Authorization Groups" application
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Por que não consigo modificar alguns grupos? (Grupos padrão)

This resource explains the limitation of modifying certain groups, those marked as default groups.
Escrito por Nick Last updated October 2023
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Como habilitar um usuário para gerenciamento de pesquisas?

This resource explains how an internal user can be elected to manage surveys and questionnaires.
Escrito por Nick Last updated December 2023
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Como criar e preparar uma nova Pesquisa?

This resource explains how to create a new survey with the OpenStudio-LimeSurvey dashboard
Escrito por Nick Last updated December 2023
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Onde posso encontrar as pesquisas que minha equipe compartilhou comigo?

This resource explains where internal users can find the surveys for which they have been included as participants.
Escrito por Nick Last updated December 2023
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Como posso fazer login no Painel de Administração de Pesquisas?

The resource explains where a survey administrator can access the survey dashboard, for the management and creation of surveys.
Escrito por Nick Last updated December 2023
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Permissões para o serviço de gerenciamento de pesquisas (pesquisas)

The resource explains the different permissions that you can come across in the Surveys application.
Escrito por Nick Last updated December 2023
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Posso incluir um participante externo em uma de minhas pesquisas?

The resource explains how to include an external user as participant of a survey, when the survey is in the closed-access mode.
Escrito por Nick Last updated December 2023
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