
OpenStudio Beta Testing Program

Discover all the applications and the services we offer, now, Live in Preview before all the others.

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Our Mission
You help us, We provide you everything, in preview.


That's the main purpose of beta testing as this phase allows developers and testers to evaluate the overall app experience from users' point of view. Functional testing makes sure all the features of your app are working fine and they would perform as expected. Developers have to maintain the functionality and quality of their app simultaneously as sometimes too much functionality can harm the quality and user experience.


The purpose here is to find a balanced and optimal solution that would be suitable for the majority of the target audience. Beta testing provides thorough feedback about the usability and user experience, and based on that feedback developers can improve the app, its features and design to meet the requirements of the users

Access now the Live Preview of OpenStudio

Enroll in our Beta Testing Program and start using our applications

Competitors may not be accepted to enroll the program. Each case will be evaluated by a team member.
Full Access

All the applications and services, included.

Apply Now for Beta-Testing Or Get started with live version
Now and forever.
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Frequently Asked Questions

The OpenStudio Beta Software Program lets users try out pre-release software. The feedback you provide on quality and usability helps us identify issues, fix them, and make OpenStudio software even better. Thanks to our Live Preview opporunity, you will be able to use and access our applications and services before the official launch!

It is really easy: all you have to do is to Submit a ticket to our team saying who you are, and that you would like to access our Live Preview service. That's it! We will be back to you and you will be granted access. easy, isn't it?

The dashboard comes with a built-in Feedback Assistant that allows you to submit tickets to the team of OpenStudio. Tickets are the system we can use to report bugs and receive feedbacks from you!

The OpenStudio Beta Program is open to anyone! All you have to do is to Make a request for it!

No. Both the program and software are free.

This program is voluntary, and there is no compensation for your participation.
Of course, our team can offer you special promotions and offers if you are a top contributor.

The OpenStudio Beta Software Program uses the contact information associated with your account, the one you will use to login the dashboard.

Still have questions? Get in touch
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